Phonological Awareness
Segment phonemes (up to four phonemes) and identify medial short vowel sounds /ă/, /ŏ/.
This interactive Spectrum of Literacy is provided to summarize the skills, strategies, and processes that are systematically and explicitly taught in Flyleaf's Foundational Skills and Close Reading Teacher's Guide instruction. Click on any color band to preview a summary of that portion of our Scope & Sequences.
Emergent Reader Series
Reading Series One
Reading Series Two
Reading Series Three
Segment phonemes (up to four phonemes) and identify medial short vowel sounds /ă/, /ŏ/.
/s/ spelled s
/m/ spelled m
/ă/ spelled a
/k/ spelled c
/n/ spelled n
/k/ spelled k, ck
/t/ spelled t
/p/ spelled p
/ŏ/ spelled o
yes, I, and, like, you, all, we, a, on, see, in, to, is, it
Read closed-syllable VC and CVC words; read contractions; read words with double consonants.
Use sound-by-sound blending.
Apply knowledge of punctuation, directionality, and one-to-one correspondence.
Read words with inflectional endings -s, 's.
Make inferences; connect text and illustrations; make text-to-text connections; retell texts.
Use context clues from the text and illustrations; activate background knowledge to identify unfamiliar words.
Learn academic vocabulary and multiple-meaning words.
Read with prosody, word stress, and pauses; reread texts to recognize words automatically.
Identify the book cover, title, author, illustrator, and punctuation.
In fictional texts, name, identify, and describe the main characters and setting.
Identify text title; read text with speech bubbles.
Listen to and speak with complex noun phrases, complete sentences, and descriptive language.
Orally share responses and annotate texts.
These documents provide book-by-book details of the early literacy skills, strategies, and processes that are systematically taught, applied, and assessed using our instructional materials.
Our color-coded Spectrum of Literacy represents a continuum of early literacy development and makes a visual connection between our products and our Foundational Skills and Close Reading Scope & Sequences.
Emergent Reader Series
Grades pre-K, K & 1 or Intervention
Reading Series One
Grade 1 or Intervention
Reading Series Two
Grades 1 & 2 or Intervention
Reading Series Three
Grade 2 or Intervention
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